Thursday, April 05, 2007

What a week!

This has been a hard week. I have been in prayer more this week than I have in a long time. It feels appropriate as it is Holy Week and very necessary due to the circumstances.

It is my final week working for Global Knowledge. I am going to really miss working with the great people I work with at Global but feel like I have been offered a great opportunity that I can't pass up. I am going to work for CarQuest next week. I will be joining their IT Financials team. This is a fairly new team -- one that has existed for some time but as a much smaller team. Many of the team members that I will be joining have just joined the company this year. I think that it will be a challenging position which will be good for me as it will keep things interesting.

Perhaps the real reason that this week has been hard is that two of my closest friends -- sisters to me almost -- have had tragic circumstances occur with their younger sisters this week. It has been a time of comraderie as we have all shared the joys and trials of being a 'Big Sister'. It's funny how many similarities I've discussed among the three of us this week. I cannot imagine what either of my friends is really going through right now. I realize how lucky I am to have Barbie as a sister, and a friend.

In the end, this week has served a very important purpose in my life. It has given me yet another opportunity to realize how blessed I am. It has given me more reasons to share the blessings given to me by God with everyone I am able to touch. It has made me realize that all of our experiences occur for a reason and teach us a lesson. It's funny how one week can change so much!

I am looking forward to being in church tonight. Kayla will be taking her 1st Communion tonight at our church's Maundy Thursday service. Kayla has taken her instruction very seriously and was the one to initiate her enrollment in these classes. Her faith is very important to her. She is a sponge when comes to learning about the Bible and her Church. My family is so lucky to have Kayla and Crystal as part of our family and I look forward to celebrating so many more of these moments with them in the future!

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