Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Mister Mom!

As many of you may know, we are trying something a little different at our house! Daniel has graciously decided to be a stay at home Daddy!!! He's been home with the kids for a little over a week now and we all love it. Our house is cleaner than ever. We have dinners at home instead of out every night. Daniel has tried new recipes and cooking techniques. He is so much more relaxed. Emma misses her school friends and teacher but Daniel has taken her for a visit and that seems to have worked.
Daniel is trying very hard to get the kids on a schedule and get the house organized. This task is so daunting that I have no idea how he's been able to get anything done, but he has already made progress. All of this is in the hopes that he will be able to start taking online classes in August. He can take a few classes that way to help determine what it is he wants to be when he grows up. When Emma starts Kindergarten in 2008, Seth can start pre-school 3 days a week and Daniel can start at the community college on those days. In 2010, when Seth start Kindergarten, Daniel should be ready to transfer to a university and finish college. Then he can get a great job and I can retire!!! I wish!
It is a very hopeful and fun time at our house. We've decide that instead of more stuff and a bigger house, we'd rather have more time together as a family. Daniel now gets to go to church with the kids and I. We actually have weekends now!! It's an experiment that is definitely worth a try and has been very rewarding so far. Wish us luck (and keep us in your prayers)!!

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