Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Christmas is in the air....

I am starting to get excited already!!! Only because Barbie sent me her Christmas list -- HA! I actually ordered my first Christmas gift of the year yesterday. I don't know why I am so excited, so early this year... We have events filling up all of the days already. I know life will get crazy and it will all fly by, but I really want to focus on staying in the moment and enjoying everything this year. This will be the first year that both kids are able to really enjoy and understand things or, at least, I hope they will enjoy and understand. Neither has really asked for anything specific but Emma definitely knows that presents are just around the corner and that has her very excited. Seth is still at the age where he will be entertained by toilet paper cardboard rolls and balls of wrapping paper.

Merry Christmas to all -- early!!


Grandma Becky said...

Happy Thanksgiving!

Barbie_B said...

We have to do this: